Estimates vary on the actual number of cats and dogs that are euthanized each year. If we take the lower-number estimates, over 2,500 adoptable pets are killed daily. If we believe the high-number estimates, that number is nearer to 10,000/day.
What Darby will accomplish by 2030
- Create a simple national database that is easily accessible by any shelter or veterinarian, so that we may accurately count the number of euthanized adoptable pets.
- Leverage the power of social media to increase awareness, participation, and funding to levels never before seen.
- Work with existing groups to improve efficiency in spay/neuter, adoption, education, training.
- Work with the largest pet food producers – who earn astronomical profits – to give much greater support.
- Build the largest rescue sanctuary in the history of the world.
- Provide affordable and/or free healthcare coverage, so you never need to decide between your pet’s life or the vets bill.
- Reduce the number of adoptable cats and dog euthanizations to zero.
- Expose, shame, report, and end puppy mills.
- Lorem Ipsum
- Reduce the number of adoptable cat and dog euthanizations to zero.
What can I do?
The greatest help you can provide is absolutely free. Please subscribe to the social media links below, and share them with your friends and family. This is where Darby needs the most help, and quite frankly, no amount of donations will work without leveraging the power of social media.
(note to self) how much $ has been given in donations annually to pet rescue/spay/neuter/adopt programs? obviously it hasn’t solved the problem.
Another free and rewarding way to help is through volunteering at a local shelter. You will not only help to end the unnecessary death of adoptable pets, you will find emotional benefits in your own life.
Donations – this is last on the list, however, full-time passionate talented animal lovers are needed for programming, video editing, training, …